Why India ranked 76th in Corruption Perception Index

Transparency International, a Berlin based anti-corruption watchdog publishes Corruption perception Index annually

"India was ranked 76 out of 168 countries earlier this year implying decline of public morality"

India was ranked 76 out of 168 countries earlier this year implying decline of public morality

Integrity in public life has deteriorated due to multiple factors, which are as follow

Legal Factors

  • Lackadaisical Judiciary: With over 30 million cases pending and 50% judicial vacancy crunch, the limping judiciary, due to its inability to punish, serves the interests of many  corrupt elements in government, business and politics.
  • Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 has several loopholes, thereby benefiting the corrupt.
  • Cumbersome laws have led to Red Tapism. e.g. Section 52 of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 puts undue pressure on the bureaucracy which deters them from taking decisions.
  • Constitutional protection under Article 311 have been misused and abused by government officials.

Political Factors

  • Lack of strong political will to control corruption. e.g. political parties are hesitant to come within the ambit of RTI despite CIC's orders.
  • Political Risk : Unpredictable levying and regulation of taxes along with monopolistic trade practices and crony capitalism have lead to collusion of corrupts across sectors.
  • Political influence over anti-corruption watchdogs like CBI, CID, CVC etc deter fair enquiry.
  • Undue transfers in bureaucracy breaks the back of even the honest ones at times and lead to corruption.
  • The opportunity cost for getting corrupt is higher than getting caught and convicted.

Transparency International, a Berlin based anti-corruption watchdog publishes Corruption perception Index annually

Economic Factors

  • Parallel economy has induced inflation, rendering assets such as real estate and gold out of rich of many.
  • Black money and tax evasion by fraudulent means.
  • Globalisation induced inequality has aroused greed in many classes.
  • Tax evasion, transfer pricing, overseas wealth in tax havens.
  • Scams like 2G scam, Coalgate, Augusta Westland deal, Mallaya Scandal are manifestation of decay of morality in economic sector.

Social and Cultural Factors

  • Compliance to ethics is considered obsolete or rather foolishness in these days and honest people are ridiculed or harassed.
  • Caste based culture since ages that denies growth opportunities. Women are mostly Confined to household chores that raises financial burden on the earning members making them inclined to corruption.
  • Children unhedged towards violence and misuse of internet that erodes values and ethical education not being a mandatory part of course curriculum.
  • Materialism induces luxury needs such as expensive cars, houses, lavish weddings etc. In many cultures high spending on rituals such as dowry, gifts are exalted.

Lack of strong political will to control corruption. e.g. political parties are hesitant to come within the ambit of RTI despite CIC's orders.

"Hence, integrity in public life has deteriorated due to multiple reasons. It has many  implications"

Integrity has to be practised across all spheres including - private, public, political. Income Declaration Scheme, Demonetisation, Benami Property Act are progressive steps. Therefore, to improve India's rank, a multi-faceted approach with every individual's support is a necessity which includes behavioural change towards corruption tolerance. Bringing in transparency and accountability with promoting ethical values will go a long way in helping India climb the ladder on Integrity Index.
