The Reasons behind Low Agricultural Productivity of India

Why agricultural productivity in India remains low for Indian Farmer and what are the reasons for it

The causes for low productivity of Indian agriculture can be divided into three broad categories, namely General factors, Institutional factors, and Technological factors.

General factors for low agricultural productivity in India are as follow

Overcrowding in Agriculture The increasing pressure of population on land is an important demographic factor responsible for low yield in Agriculture. The area of cultivated land per cultivator has declined from 0.43 hectare in 1901 to 0.23 hectare in 1981 despite an expansion of area under cultivation. Hence, agricultural sector has become overcrowded and this has adversely affected the agricultural productivity.

Discouraging Rural Atmosphere The Indian farmer, living in rural areas are generally tradition-bound, illiterate, ignorant, superstitious, and conservative. This can also be due to inefficient rural development in India.

Inadequate Non-firm Services Shortage of finance, exploitation of farmers by moneylenders, inadequate marketing and storage facilities are also responsible for agricultural backwardness in India. The co-operative and other institutional agencies have not been able to dominate the village moneylenders. Storage facilities for farmers are still not available to preserve their agricultural product for a better price.

Natural Calamities Indian agriculture is a gamble in the monsoon. If monsoon becomes favourable, we have a good crop; otherwise agriculture is affected by drought, flood, and cyclone.

agricultural productivity in India remains low

Institutional Factors for low agricultural productivity in India are as follow

Size of Holding The small, size of holdings in India is an impediment in the way of progressive agriculture. The average size of holdings in India is less than 2 hectares. In case of very small firms, it is difficult to introduce new technology. Further, due to fragmentation of holdings, a great deal of labour and energy is destroyed in cultivation.

Pattern of Land Tenure The agrarian structure in India is not conducive for a progressive agriculture. The tendril relationships were such that the big landlords used to have a considerable influence on their respective areas. The actual cultivator had known incentive for improvement and more production. Through the zamindari system has been abolished, absentee lamdlordism still prevails; heavy rents are still extracted and there is no security of tenancy. Under these circumstances, it is unwise to expect any remarkable increase in agricultural productivity due to the apathetic attitude of the tillers of the land.

agricultural productivity in India remains low

Technological Factors for low agricultural productivity in India are as follow

Poor Technique of Production Agriculture development in India is still moving at a snail's pace. The technique of Production adopted by Indian farmers is old, outraged and inefficient. The tradition-bound poor farmers have not yet been able to adopt the modern methods to get the best yield from their land. The seeds they use are of poor quality and the age old, traditional wooden plough still exists in Indian agriculture. They consider agriculture as a way of life rather than a business proposition. Thereof, production remains at low-level.

Inadequate Irrigational Facilities Indian agriculture is a gamble in monsoon due to non-availability of irrigation facilities. In spite of several measures, irrigation has not substantially increased in India. Only one-third of the cultivated area is under irrigation.
